
The Bixyplastia hair treatment is one of the latest cutting-edge regenerative treatments on the market right now!

L’ingrediente magico della Bixyplastia è la cisteina, un amminoacido del quale è composto naturalmente il nostro capello. La cisteina unita agli oli essenziali dell’Amazzonia, ricchi di acidi grassi, riparano i legami all’interno del capello, donandogli elasticità, corpo e brillantezza!

Questo trattamento è indicato soprattutto per capelli spenti, opachi, decolorati e tinti da anni, ma anche a capelli particolarmente sottili: il trattamento rafforza, disciplina e dona lucentezza su tutta la lunghezza con una durata che varia dai 3 ai 6 mesi!

La caratteristica principale è che, pur essendo un trattamento molto simile alla keratina (è una combinazione tra keratina e botox), non contiene formaldeide!

Molte donne nel corso degli anni hanno rinunciato a utilizzare un trattamento disciplinante per la paura della formaldeide, ma con il trattamento alla Bixyplastia non è più un problema.

L’ingrediente alla base della Bixyplastia è il fenossietanolo, un’ottima alternativa che non danneggia la salute e non è tossica!

Se anche tu hai capelli danneggiati oppure crespi ti aspettiamo nei nostri saloni!

Il trattamento alla Bixyplastia fa al caso tuo!

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Bixyplastia hair treatment is one of the most recent and innovative regenerative solutions available on the current market. Thanks to its magical ingredient, cysteine, an amino acid naturally present in our hair, together with essential oils from the Amazon, rich in fatty acids, they work synergistically repairing the bonds within the hair, restoring elasticity, body, and shine.

Bixyplastia hair treatment

Is suitable for those with dull and opaque hair, especially those subjected to prolonged bleaching and coloring, as well as for those with particularly thin hair. Its strengthening, smoothing, and shining action extends throughout the length of the hair, with a duration ranging from 3 to 6 months.

Bixyplastia is not just a treatment, but a true beauty ritual for your hair, which regenerates them and gives them unparalleled shine and softness. Thanks to its innovative formula enriched with cysteine and essential oils, the hair becomes stronger and better withstands environmental stresses and daily aggressions.

Also known as a straightening treatment, Bixyplastia improves not only the texture of the hair but also makes them easier to manage, reducing frizz, and ensuring a sleek and defined style for a long time.

The smoothing effect of Bixyplastia can vary depending on the hair’s structure: from 60% for bleached hair, where a fortifying and reconstructive effect is desired, to 80% for medium to medium-thick hair, up to 100% for curly and frizzy hair, where not only repair but also a complete straightening effect is desired.

But beware, Bixyplastia is not just about straightening! Being one of the most regenerative treatments on the market, it can also have an anti-frizz and controlling effect, ideal for people with difficult-to-manage curly hair who just want to have well-defined curls without frizz.

Of course, the prices of Bixyplastia may vary depending on the specific hair problems.

What makes Bixyplastia unique is its absence of formaldehyde, a crucial characteristic for many women who have avoided straightening treatments due to concerns about health damage.

Thanks to the substitute ingredient, phenoxyethanol, this concern becomes unnecessary, as it not only poses no risk to health but is also non-toxic

But be careful not to confuse Bixyplastia with keratin treatment! Bixyplastia can be used both as a reconstructive and illuminating treatment for the hair, as well as a straightening treatment, while keratin can only be used on certain types of hair (for example, it cannot be performed on blonde hair).

If you have damaged or frizzy hair, our salons are ready to welcome you for a personalized Bixyplastia treatment. Discover the benefits of this innovative straightening and regenerating treatment and bring vitality and shine back to your hair!

We await you at our salons in Rome at via Boncompagni 43, via Sicilia 34, and via Nomentana 83.

You won’t regret it!

Via Sicilia,34 - 00187 Roma
Via Nomentana, 83, 00161, Roma
Via Boncompagni, 43, 00187 Roma RM
Mon-Sat: 10:00-19:00
Sunday: 10:00-18:00